How to Set Up A Classic ASP Website on


To support and configure ASP applications on shared web hosting, you must make sure the server is installed with the ASP modules. You can easily to build a Classic ASP website on by following the steps in below.

Upload Your Classic ASP Website

You can use the following ways to upload your ASP website files.

  • Upload files via FTP.
  • Publish website via Web Deploy.
  • Publish website via WebMatrix.
  • Use the upload function in WebSitePanel.

1.Click “File manager”, then go to  “your domain name\wwwroot“.
upload file 1

2.Click “Upload”and choose your website files in .zip format. It is possible to unzip the compressed files.
upload file 2

Edit ASP Application Settings in WebSitePanel

Click “Web Sites” and then enter “YourDomains”, you need to check the following settings:web sites 1

1.Default Documents

If your index page is not listed in the default documents, you need to add it . For example, my home page is page.asp.

2.Enable ASP Parent Paths

You can enable or disable parent paths under security settings on the web site properties page.

You can also enable or disable parent paths by using IIS Manager. To do so, open IIS Manager and navigate to the site or application where you want to configure parent paths, and then-double click the ASP feature.


In the list of ASP features, configure the Enable Parent Paths option.IIS-ASP-settings

3.Switch Application Pool Bit Mode To 32 Bit

On the web site properties page, click “Extensions“, then switch application pool bit mode to 32 bit, and check “Enabled”.

web sites 2

4. Update and save the settings. Till now, your Classic ASP website is accessible.